A new play about migration and asylum adapted by Paul Stebbings and Phil Smith from the short
stories of leading writers from immigrant communities across the Globe.
This exciting and dramatic production brings together some of the finest writing on this pressing
subject from the perspective of those “on the move”. This is not a dull or predictable documentary
but a vibrant and compelling drama that encompasses Africa, Britain, the USA and the Caribbean.
There is romance and humour, dance and song as well as the captivating writing of some
extraordinary literary voices. But if the form is popular and accessible the content is powerful and
sober: allowing us in our comfortable theatre seats to not just understand but experience the fears
and hopes of those who take the dangerous journey into what they hope is a bright future, only to
be often met with hostility and suspicion. These fine writers provide no easy answers but ask some
of the most pressing questions of our time.
Tickets: VVK: 23 €, erm. 10 €, AK: 25 €, erm. 10 €
Tickets bei allen Reservix-Vorverkaufsstellen und unter https://leinfelden-echterdingen.reservix.de
Veranstalter: Stadt Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Kulturamt
Beginn: 11:00 Uhr
Großer Saal der FILDERHALLE
Veranstalter: Leinfelden-Echterdingen Kulturamt